Support Undergraduate Research at Brandeis this Giving DEISday
Today, we celebrate #GivingDEISday at Brandeis, a day when the community comes together to support our students across the university. This year, the School of Arts and Sciences is prioritizing our efforts to strengthen opportunities for and access to undergraduate research across all fields through our critical Undergraduate Research and Creative Collaboration (URCC) Fund.
As you may know, we established the URCC office in early 2020 to facilitate connections between undergraduates seeking research experience and faculty seeking research assistance. I am pleased to report that the office has connected scores of students to exciting research opportunities over the past two years. This year, we are placing our focus on expanding the number of entry-level research experiences and thus foster equity and inclusion, as we simultaneously strive to increase access to these opportunities for all of our students.
Historically, undergraduate research assistants, especially first-time researchers, have been frequently unpaid, which favors students who do not need a paying job during the semester or summer. We established the URCC fund to ensure that all of our outstanding undergraduate students—regardless of their financial circumstances—are able to take advantage of the amazing opportunities with our field-leading faculty.

Thank you to everyone who helped make Giving DEISday a success for our students. The collective generosity of our community is inspiring and your gift will go to work immediately, enhancing the student experience for current Brandeisians.
The site will remain open until 11:59 PM ET on April 14 as we await more challenges to reach their goals. If you have any questions, contact us at giving@brandeis.edu.

Exciting Update!
The generosity of our community and over 1,948 donors to Brandeis just unlocked an additional $100,000 from Dan Kazzaz '74, GSAS MA'74.
Help us spread the word in the final moments of the day!
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