Gifts to International Business School contribute to...

Gifts to any fund at the International Business School will be appreciated this Giving DEISday. For each donor $50+ to the Business School, $1,000 will be added, up to $30,000 thanks to our International Board of Advisors.
Thank you for your support.
You received your first gift! As a thank you, we'll send you a limited edition piece of swag.
Generate 1 Gift
Look at you go! Advocates who secure 10 gifts will be sent a Giving DEISday color changing stadium cup.
Generate 10 Gifts
Wow! Advocates who secure 25 gifts or more will receive all of the previous incentives and a Giving DEISday tee shirt.
Generate 25 Gifts
ONE MILLION THANKS! Advocate-Exclusive

Thank you to everyone who helped make Giving DEISday a success for our students. The collective generosity of our community is inspiring and your gift will go to work immediately, enhancing the student experience for current Brandeisians.
The site will remain open until 11:59 PM ET on April 14 as we await more challenges to reach their goals. If you have any questions, contact us at giving@brandeis.edu.

Exciting Update!
The generosity of our community and over 1,948 donors to Brandeis just unlocked an additional $100,000 from Dan Kazzaz '74, GSAS MA'74.
Help us spread the word in the final moments of the day!
Please consider sharing this campaign to maximize the impact of Giving DEISday on Brandeis students. Tap the share button to post to Facebook, X, LinkedIn, or to copy the site to text or email to a friend.
Thank You to Our Donors
View All DonorsMost Recent Donors

Anqi Zhang

Maowei Zhu

Debbie Berechman & Shaul Berechman


Anton Fedorov

Brandeis International Business School Board of Advisors

Boris Schwartz

lianke mu

Bill Li

Karen Foster Goedert
Spread the Word
Offered a $136,000 match
Alumni Association Board of Directors
Gave $75,000 during a Challenge!
Brandeis International Business School Board of Advisors
Offered a $30,000 match
Community Advocates
Generated 640 clicks and 74 gifts, totaling $15,881Peter Kant '94
Gave $15,000 during a Challenge!
Jill Fried '88, Mark Kaufman '71, and other Waltham Group Alumni
Gave $8,000 during a Challenge!
Anonymous Alumni Donor
Gave $6,500 during a Challenge!
Offered a $5,000 match
Marci Swede
Generated 8 clicks
Offered a $2,500 match